
The location of Ancient Egypt allowed for safety and strength to the civilization. The Ancient Egyptinas built their lives around the Nile River. It offered opportunities for trade, agriculture, entertainment and ceremonies. As you look through the following links, use these questions to guide your inquiry.


On this website you will find maps of Modern and Ancient Egypt.  Change the pulldown menu to select terrain, modern political and geographical features, natural resources, archaeological sites and featured objects.


Check out what the junior version of Wikipedia has to say about What Country the Egyptians lived in.  You can also download and listen to the same Kurzweil file here


In order to get a better understanding of the different types of materials for which the Egyptians traded go to this site and become an assistant to a jeweler. Your task is to travel up and down the Nile River collecting precious stones for making jewelry.



Your tasks:


Task #1:


In order to show your understanding of the geographical area of Ancient Egypt, you will be asked to complete a map of the area. Be sure to read the information below before you begin. Check with the teacher when you have made your choice to verify that you have made the best choice for your abilities. Check this website to help you find all the information for the map activity.


                         * Draw your own map, colour and label it (colour as above)

                         * Work with a partner to create a 3-D map, using modelling clay and label it (Check                            out this website to see an example of a 3-D model. Click on "Children's Work -                            Geography           


Task #2: